
Knowledge Translation: Implementing Technology Literacy Programs for Older Adults

ITLP- Knowledge translation

At enTECH, we believe that the idea of having young people help older adults use technology is a rewarding way to get involved in the community, is a lot of fun, and can make a big impact in the lives of all involved. 

Earlier this month, enTECH was pleased to present our knowledge translation toolkit. This project was created to provide a framework and aid any organization that is looking at starting a program similar to ours. The execution of this project would not have been possible without the leadership of Nathan Nagallo, an enTECH executive team member with a passion for making a change in long-term care homes.

“ My initial desire to start this project started in the Fall of 2018 when a colleague of mine approached me with an opportunity to lead a project using foundational concepts of knowledge translation, a process in which scientific data & research are converted into practical knowledge tools. We knew that the enTECH Computer Club played a vital role in helping older adults use technology to stay connected with their loved ones and we wanted to share this knowledge with other long-term care (LTC) homes. After a year and a half of learning more of knowledge translation and collecting data from the enTECH Computer Club and its stakeholders, the project finally took off and we immediately began to share it with LTC homes that needed it most.” 

“It was important to me that this particular knowledge tool was a descriptive and informative aid to help speed up the implementation process of technology literacy programs (TLPs) for older adults. With having a grandmother who lives in a LTC home in the Philippines and many families being physically separated due to the COVID-19 outbreak, I firmly believe that the inspiration behind this project and the support from my enTECH Computer Club colleagues will help revolutionize how older adults will stay connected not only with their families but with the rest of the world as well.” 

For more information about our knowledge translation toolkit or to download the content for yourself, check out the link below!